you must register before Friday, Feb 25th @ Noon.
If you fail to register online there is no guarantee you'll make it onto the racers list.
The race will be mass start below the dam and run to the Shaffley's take out.
All boats will start from shore, boats over 10 feet will start bassackwards.
Drafting skilzz will be crucial.
There will be 2 classes: guys & dames.
Dr.Love wants age groups so...POOF...let it be done! There will be 3 age classes for both individual men and women: 18 - 39 /40 - 59 / 60 & up.
Most importantly, there will also be a club championship.
Club teams need at least 5 members to qualify. We will use Cross Country goes like this: the top five finishers from each club add their finish order together to get a score, lowest combined club score wins.
PS...this is going to be a "fun run". Paddlers that wouldn't normally do a downriver race should definitely get out and give it a shot!